
UDK: 69.009.182:699.83
DOI: n/a

Published: Građevinar 60 (2008) 4
Paper type: Preliminary report
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Support data for new Croatian wind-load standards

Bernardin Peroš, Ivica Boko, Tihomir Šimunović, David Kuzmanić


Field studies of wind flow regimes, based on profile measurements at appropriate Split and Dubrovnik localities, and aimed at defining the National Annex to the new Croatian wind load standard, are presented. The results obtained confirm that the wind susceptibility coefficient ce(z) for coastal area should differ from the corresponding European standard. In addition to the unevenness and orography of terrain, the studies take into account the effects of altitude and turbulent wind flow.

reliability, Croatian standards, wind load, Eurocode, national annex, structure


Peroš, B., Boko, I., Šimunović, T., Kuzmanić, D.: Support data for new Croatian wind-load standards, GRAĐEVINAR, 60 (2008) 4


Peroš, B., Boko, I., Šimunović, T., Kuzmanić, D. (2008). Support data for new Croatian wind-load standards, GRAĐEVINAR, 60 (4)
Peros Bernadin
Bernardin Peroš
University of Split
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy
Boko Ivica
Ivica Boko
University of Split
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy

Tihomir Šimunović
University of Split
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy

David Kuzmanić
University of Split,
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy